Converting Your Garage into a Living Space

Converting your garage into additional living space is a trend that has been on over the past decade and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. This is especially true for homeowners who don’t have attics or basements that can serve as additional living quarters that are needed to accommodate a growing family, adult children, […]

6 Months Later ADUS Still Booming in the Housing Market

We were featured on CBSLA six months ago, to discuss how the pandemic shifted the housing marketing and the remodeling industry. To our surprise, there has been a significant increase in ADU project inquiries, and the new homes hitting the marketing with ADUs are being purchased way over the asking price. Once again to our surprise, this number […]

Water Efficiency Facts Everyone Should Know

Amy Vickers, renowned water conservation expert and author of the book Water Conservation defines water efficiency as the “minimization of the amount of water used to accomplish a function, task, or result.” Simply put, water efficiency means doing more with less water. Just like water purification systems, the importance of water efficiency cannot be overstated. After […]